- Web Design
I have years of experience creating straight forward websites that look simple and clean while maintaining smooth transitions between pages.  My websites will function on all major browsers for Mac, PC, iOS and Android devices.  I use HTML5, PHP, CSS and MYSQL coding to create beautiful websites that are simple and inexpensive to maintain.
I am skilled in photo, text and graphic editing and have an "eye" for composition.  I will be happy to take your ideas and mold them into a site design.
- Examples
Features: Amazon physical
merchandise payment processor and Itunes playlist and buy links
integration. PHP and CSS.
Jon Mohr.com
Features: First site designed
with PHP and CSS in 2004.
Tone Grown
Features: Photography, Coded Content and Integrated Soundcloud player
Gentlemen at Arms
Features: Provided a download
script that collected info prior to download to create a mailing list.
- History:
1998: I started designing web sites.
2001: I started managing hosting sites for myself and others.
2004: I designed my first website with PHP and CSS.
2005: I added exchange hosting to my skill set.